Recent content by sk8ingDuck

  • Eingeschränkter Support bis zum 1. Mai.
  • Limited support until May 1.
  • Support limité jusqu'au 1er mai.
  1. sk8ingDuck

    [+SOURCECODE] Mute System für BungeeCord [1.8.x - 1.19.x] - Offline Mode support & Webseite update

    Offline mode support - Added support for BungeeCord offline mode. Make sure to enable onlineMode in the settings.php file if you are using the Web Admin Panel. Website update - Updated the website (fixed some bugs). Please use the new website files. There's a settings.php file now where you can...
  2. sk8ingDuck

    Mute System für BungeeCord [1.8.x - 1.19.x] - Offline mode support & Website update

    Offline mode support - Added support for BungeeCord offline mode. Make sure to enable onlineMode in the settings.php file if you are using the Web Admin Panel. Website update - Updated the website (fixed some bugs). Please use the new website files. There's a settings.php file now where you can...
  3. sk8ingDuck

    [+SOURCE] [+WEB ADMIN PANEL] Ban System für BungeeCord [1.8.x - 1.20.x] - Offline Mode support & Webseite update

    Offline mode support - Added support for BungeeCord offline mode. Make sure to enable onlineMode in the settings.php file if you are using the Web Admin Panel. Website update - Updated the website (fixed some bugs). Please use the new website files. There's a settings.php file now where you can...
  4. sk8ingDuck

    [+WEB ADMIN PANEL] Ban System für BungeeCord [1.8.x - 1.20.x] - Offline Mode support & Webseite update

    Offline mode support - Added support for BungeeCord offline mode. Make sure to enable onlineMode in the settings.php file if you are using the Web Admin Panel. Website update - Updated the website (fixed some bugs). Please use the new website files. There's a settings.php file now where...
  5. sk8ingDuck

    BedWars Plugin (mit Shop, Stats, Scoreboard, ...) [+ SOURCECODE] - 1.20.2 Update

    - Update für 1.20.2 - Bugfixes
  6. sk8ingDuck

    [+SOURCE] Freunde System & Party System mit Custom GUI [1. 8- 1.20] [Oraxen/ItemsAdder] - A lot of updates!

    Changelog Commands - Added Party System (type /party to see commands) - Added Accept / Deny all requests command (/friend accept/deny all) - Added Remove status command (/friend removestatus <player>) - Added Pagination System for /friend list and /friend requests Configs - Reworked the GUI...
  7. sk8ingDuck

    [+WEB ADMIN PANEL] Ban System für BungeeCord [1.8.x - 1.20.x] - Permissions Update

    - Ingame Unban Message hinzugefügt, wenn man jemand über das Web Admin Panel entbannt. - /banreload Befehl hinzugefügt (um Configs neu zu laden) - Permissionssystem update: Neuer 'bansystem.ban.permanent' permission benötigt, um Spieler permanent zu bannen. Wenn du willst dass eine Gruppe, zum...