If you are looking for high quality Bedwats maps for your Minecraft server, then Chunkfactory is the place for you!
Many of our sellers have made it their business to create numerous Minecraft Bedwars maps in various sizes and themes and offer them for sale here.
Currently we are offering over 270 different Bedwars maps, which have been created over a period of several years.
Besides small Minecraft maps where two teams play against each other, you can also find large Bedwars maps that are designed for multiple players.
And the best thing is, there are more and more of them!
Since we have active sellers and producers, the next Bedwars maps are probably already in development.
So if you haven't found a suitable schematic yet, you can eagerly wait for the next releases!
Bedwars is one of the oldest game modes available on Minecraft servers. In 2014, the game became popular on one of the largest German Minecraft servers and enjoyed steadily growing popularity. Later, Bedwars was also introduced on numerous other large servers and became one of the most popular and most played game modes in Minecraft multiplayer. Today, you can play on many different maps and in lots of team compositions. The game mode offers a varied experience and a lot of fun due to a wide variety of features.
Minecraft Bedwars is played similarly to Minecraft Skywars on a map that consists of islands flying in the air. These groups of islands are mostly the same and symmetrically laid out to give each team an equal chance. With different materials spawning with varying frequency and on different islands, you can buy weapons, armor, and blocks for locomotion from a villager shop. Due to this wide variation of different items, mostly modified by plugins, there are the most different play styles and tactics.
The central task in Bedwars is to take down the enemy team's bed, causing their players to lose their re-entry point after death. This exists because, unlike other Minecraft minigames such as Skywars or Survival Games, Bedwars is a team-based game and grants players multiple attempts to implement their tactics. All of these versatile influences make Minecraft Bedwars a game mode that is still played a lot today, and that is present on many servers and should not be missing on your network!
If you want to sell your personal creations, but want to avoid going through endless and annoying discussions with customers?
In that case Chunkfactory may just be the right thing for you!
Every creative builder has the opportunity to become a seller in the Chunkfactory.
So if you want to sell Bedwars maps or other products of your own, all you have to do after creating an account is to write a short, cogent application.
Having seen this, we can judge if your shown quality is sufficient for the rank of the seller.
If your application is convincing, you will receive the first rank in our ranking system.
The more statues or other products you offer, the higher your seller rank and therefore your profit share will be.
What we offer:
In order to be able to sell your products, you have to fill out an application form to apply as a seller. Your cuts on the purchase of your products will be dependent on your rank, which is defined by the amount of creations your shop panel offers.
More information about ranks here.
We wish you good luck on your potential application!