Dragon Island Lobby! 220x220 1.8+

Dragon Island Lobby! 220x220 1.8+

  1. Fantasy
Minecraft Version
  1. 1.16
Length (X)
Height (Y)
Width (Z)
Dragon Island Lobby! 220x220 1.8+
Lobby with a friendly atmosphere, perfect for your server.

Versions: 1.8 - 1.20+

When purchasing this map, you will receive:
- A working schematic from version 1.8 to 1.16
- A working schematic (schem) from version 1.16 and above
- A working world from version 1.18

The lobby has a size of approximately 220x220 and a height of 200.
The map is located at coordinates X0, Z0 (for the world).

Features on the map:
- respawn
- 3 spots for NPCs
- 3 spots for chests
- Group teleportation
- Portal
- Small room

You can find a 3D preview and more screenshots of the map here:
3D Previev: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/minecraft-lobby-1-c763ac0f78244c3ba856a5e33eb7e46c
Screenshots: Remember to use the shift key while using the preview.
First release