InventoryPagesPlus | H2/MYSQL | 100% Customize Config | Multi-languages

InventoryPagesPlus | H2/MYSQL | 100% Customize Config | Multi-languages

  • Fixed items sometimes go missing.
  • Fixed item's custom data go messed up when system saving player's data.
  • Added "keep-level" in config.yml, this used for keeping player's experience and level after they die.
  • Fixed "skip-slots" can be configured in config.yml, set it to -1 to disable this feature.
  • Added "skip-slots" option in config.yml, this will allow server to not save and load the slots. This feature can be used for MMOInventory to prevent saving custom item from other plugins to database of InventoryPagesPlus.
  • Added customModelData to each items in inventory to support display item from server texture pack.
  • Fixed MySQL Settings
  • Fixed showing wrong page on action bar