
  1. Aztec spawn

    Aztec spawn 1.20+

    Size: 520x520 Versions: 1.13 - 1.21 +Interiors: + Spawnpoint 4 NPC 5 tops
  2. Desert Progressive Mega Dungeon

    Desert Progressive Mega Dungeon 1.0

    Product information: Desert progressive dungeon with multiple rooms and high levels Size: 335x351 Versions: 1.8 - 1.21+ Start spot Multiple rooms to fight Many staircases, corridors, bridges Boss room Parkour room Small side rooms and so much more.. Download: Build can be loaded on any...
  3. Aztec Proggresive Dungeon

    Aztec Proggresive Dungeon 1.0

    Product information: Aztec progressive dungeon with multiple rooms and big library Size: ≈ 465x300 Versions: 1.8 - 1.20+ Start spot Multiple rooms to fight Many staircases, corridors, bridges Big library Room with a dinosaur skeleton Room with a aztec mask A river running through the dungeon...
  4. SkyBlock/Spawn - Aztec SkyBlock - 650x650

    SkyBlock/Spawn - Aztec SkyBlock - 650x650 1.0

    Product information: Aztec themed SkyBlock spawn with large warzone Size: 650x650 Versions: 1.8 - 1.20+ Enchantments + Anvils Wheat farms + Windmill Animal farms Small pond 7 Market tents 8 NPC places 2 Crate places 4 Leaderboards places 2 portals (End, Nether) Large PVP arena under the spawn...
  5. Ancient Hub

    Ancient Hub 0.1

    Version - 1.12 blocks and + Size - 230 x 240 This hub contains: ▪ Spawn point ▪ 6 place for NPC ▪ 3 place for "Case" ▪ 2 place for "Reward" Additional Information: ▪ By purchasing this you will get a .schematic of the map ▪ Use this command so that nothing breaks, /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0