
  • Holiday Sale! Use code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything! There are additional discounts on all products marked with the theme "Winter"!
  1. Simple Tools [Oraxen & ItemsAdder Configuration]

    Simple Tools [Oraxen & ItemsAdder Configuration] 2024-06-03

    What is worse than a mushroom soup without a spoon? Right - A Creeper hunt without naginata.. Drag&Drop Oraxen Config ✔ Drag&Drop ItemsAdder Config ✔ Blockbench Raw Files ✔
  2. Demon Weapons [Oraxen & ItemsAdder Config]

    Demon Weapons [Oraxen & ItemsAdder Config] 2024-06-03

    Enjoy 4 unique 'Demon Weapons' made to look good next to vanilla textures! This package was created by PegasusFieber17 having some demonic minutes.. Drag&Drop Oraxen Config ✔ Drag&Drop ItemsAdder Config ✔ Blockbench Raw Files ✔
  3. Ratchet And Clank [Oraxen & ItemsAdder]

    Ratchet And Clank [Oraxen & ItemsAdder] 2024-05-27

    This package adds all existing items of the original 'Ratchet and Clank (2002)' to your Minecraft game.. Drag&Drop Oraxen Config ✔ Drag&Drop ItemsAdder Config ✔ Blockbench Raw Files ✔ This collection is made to be harmonic compared to vanilla items!
  4. P-Mon Pack [Oraxen & ItemsAAdder]

    P-Mon Pack [Oraxen & ItemsAAdder] 2024-05-03

    This pack comes with a total of 18 Items: 1 P-Dex and 17 P-Balls! Drag&Drop Oraxen Config ✔ Drag&Drop ItemsAdder Config ✔ Blockbench Raw Files ✔ Suitable for all kinds of Pixelmon, Cobblemon or minigame gamemodes/servers..