friend request

  • Holiday Sale! Use code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything! There are additional discounts on all products marked with the theme "Winter"!
  1. FriendDriver | MongoDB & MySQL

    FriendDriver | MongoDB & MySQL 1.7

    English Version Are you interested in a revolutionary FriendSystem? Then let me introduce it to you! Requirements - You need either a MongoDB or a MySQL database - at least Spigot 1.8.8 and Bungeecord 1.17 must be installed only tested on Spigot 1.8.8 and Bungeecord 1.17 Finally the...
  2. Announcement Banners

    Announcement Banners 1.1

    Product information: Running a event and need a cool banner? Wanna welcome your players? Let's try this - you will get seven nice looking pixelart banners in two sizes Available banners (7): Thank You Welcome Event Friend Request Level Up Quest Completed Quest Started Download...