
  1. A village with a castle on a flying island (spawn)

    A village with a castle on a flying island (spawn) 1.20+

    Size: 355x380 Versions: 1.13 - 1.21 +Interiors: - Spawnpoint 4 NPC 3 crates
  2. Underwater world

    Underwater world 1.20+

    waiting lobby -------------------------------------------- Size: 301x301 Versions: 1.13 - 1.21+
  3. Cartoon spawn

    Cartoon spawn 1.15.2+

    Cartoon spawn Map size: 220x100x220 Version: 1.15 The spawn has: - Pvp arena size 64х63 - places for your creativity - space for boxes - lots of places for npcs
  4. Oriental Faction Spawn

    Oriental Faction Spawn 2023-11-12

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: Size: ≈200x200 Versions: 1.16 - 1.20 3D Viewinng: Click THE SPAWN HAS: x8 NPC x1 Nether Portal x1 End Portal x1 Case x2 Group Teleport FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 (because the leaves from trees can...
  5. Factions Spawn | 250x250

    Factions Spawn | 250x250 1.0

    Can be used as: Survival Spawn / Lobby / Hub What's there? Large spawn arena ready for Your customization Teleport places ( 3 ) Enderchests & crafting tables A lot of pathways to explore Download After downloading You will recieve: WORLD SCHEMATIC MCWORLD 1.8 1.8 - 1.16 1.16 -...
  6. Mistfall Yard - Lobby + Survival spawn

    Mistfall Yard - Lobby + Survival spawn 1.12.2

    Mistfall Yard made by EnderManBuild 1.12+ Includes: -2 Options: Spawn for Survival server or Lobby/Hub. -NPC's -Crates -Spawn drop -Places for your own stuff -Designed spawn point Does not requires complex terraforming. Just //paste -a it on your minecraft map!