
  • Holiday Sale! Use code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything! There are additional discounts on all products marked with the theme "Winter"!
  1. Nether Island 1.8K

    Nether Island 1.8K 2023-09-03

    1800 x 1800 block wide nether island map, built by YUU on sirium.network.. The perfect upgrade for your servers nether, or just use it as warzone or build platform.. The .Schematic works from 1.19+ ! Note: When //paste in the .Schematic , you will be standing on top of the lava level (height...
  2. Endstone Skyland

    Endstone Skyland 2023-09-02

    Explore our Custom Endstone Island, built by YUU on sirium.network.. Perfect as a Warzone, build platform or map for modes and minigames.. Size is 700x700 and the .Schematic works from 1.19+! Note: The moment you //paste in the .Schematic, make sure you are on block height 70 to not cut off the...
  3. Fantasy Badland Warzone

    Fantasy Badland Warzone 2023-08-13

    120x120 western themed steampunk fantasy warzone, built by Flexx47 on sirium.network.. Perfect for group pvp, free for all or larger 1v1 battles. You may also use it as a waiting lobby.. .Schematic works from 1.19 up
  4. Lobby: Hobbit Creek

    Lobby: Hobbit Creek 1.8+

    Here is a server/plot spawn of moderate size fit for any server. With beautiful scenery surrounding this hobbit style in-ground house on all sides, this spawn will help give your players a great playing atmosphere as well as a great server impression. The spawn includes a full surrounding...