
  • Holiday Sale! Use code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything! There are additional discounts on all products marked with the theme "Winter"!
  1. -| LOBBY |- Diamond Valley | 230x200

    -| LOBBY |- Diamond Valley | 230x200 1.0

    ⫸ Map information Dimensions » 230x200 « - Map contains ❖ Place for 6 NPCs ❖ Spawn point ❖ Houses ( without interior ) ❖ Crates place ❖ Parkour ❖ Portal ❖ Forest ❖ Fields ❖ Waterfall ❖ Air ship ❖ Castle ❖ Towers ◈ and much more... ➲ Download Files Zip. File World. 1.8/1.14.4 Schematic...
  2. The Valley of Science

    The Valley of Science 1.12

    The Valley of Science is a huge winter themed SciFi-Map. It is located in a valley with big structures surrounded by gigantic mountains and a frozen river which flows through the map. This map can be used for everything you want, for example as a Hub, Lobby, Spawn or Adventure-Map. Important...