
  • Holiday Sale! Use code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything! There are additional discounts on all products marked with the theme "Winter"!
  1. Simple Tools [Oraxen & ItemsAdder Configuration]

    Simple Tools [Oraxen & ItemsAdder Configuration] 2024-06-03

    What is worse than a mushroom soup without a spoon? Right - A Creeper hunt without naginata.. Drag&Drop Oraxen Config ✔ Drag&Drop ItemsAdder Config ✔ Blockbench Raw Files ✔
  2. 5 Rankup/Prison Small Mines

    5 Rankup/Prison Small Mines 1

    A pack with five rankup/prison mines: * The size of each mine is 61x61, with a 21x21 "ore space"; * The themes are - ice, nether, ocean, vanilla and desert; * 1.8 blocks; * All of them have a shop space, for drop selling; * No re-sell rights; * You can use this build as many times you want.