Recent content by Prisemut

  1. QuickSG Plugin | 1.12 | Free Modification

    QuickSG Plugin | 1.12 | Free Modification 1.1

    IMORTANT: The Free modification is only for people, which really buy this plugin! Hey guys, I`m back with a new plugin. This plugin is the first Gamemode in the chunkfactory, its QuickSurvivalGames. In few days there would be a map, extra for this plugin! Also in few days there would be a video...
  2. Troll Plugin || 1.12

    Troll Plugin || 1.12 1.1

    Hey, (Plugin für die 1.12, 1.11, 1.10, 1.9, 1.8) Das ist mein erstes Plugin in der chunkfactory. Das Plugin ist perfekt um deine Freund zum ausrasten zu bringen. Du hast verchiedene möglichkeiten deine Freunde verdammt gut zu trollen. Hier...