
  • Holiday Sale! Use code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything! There are additional discounts on all products marked with the theme "Winter"!
  1. Wooden Birch Conquest Map/KOTH

    Wooden Birch Conquest Map/KOTH 2018-01-05

    Wooden Birch Conquest Map/KOTH This is a Conquest map (5 capture zones with the main capture zone being in the center), but can also be used as one main KOTH. The main theme is wooden-birch structures with nature aspects/details. There's 4 entrances to the Conquest with in each corner a little...
  2. Oriental Conquest Map/KOTH

    Oriental Conquest Map/KOTH 2017-12-19

    Oriental Conquest Map/KOTH This is an oriental/japanese themed Conquest map (5 capture points), but can also be used as a KOTH with the main capture point being in the center of the central structure. There is nice terrain with rivers, bridges, fitting cherryblossom trees and more. [Size approx~...
  3. Castle Fight Spawn

    Castle Fight Spawn 1

    Schetchfab 3D Modellansicht: 3D Ansicht empfohlen. Inklusive: Das Portal liegt ganz in der Nähe des Spawns. Ein besonderer Ort für mystische Truhen. 2 große Geschäfte. Platz für Ihre Informationen. Zauberraum. Parkour Orte...