houses pack

  1. Christmas Pack

    Christmas Pack 1.12.2+

    Conditions: It is forbidden to post/resell/share this set with anyone You can use this set to create maps for the store and commissions, but your maps must contain original work You can freely use this set and do not mention the creator of this set I have the right to revoke permission to use...
  2. House Pack

    House Pack 1.1

    Description: House Pack Minecraft versions : 1.8+ - 1.19.+ 3D MODEL : HERE Includes: • House 6x • Booths 2x Additional Information: Schematics World Bedrock ❯ 1.8+ ❯ 1.8+ ❯ .mcworld ❯ 1.12+ ❯ 1.12+ ❯ 1.16+ ❯1.16+ ❯ 1.19+ ❯ 1.19+ IMPORTANT! Before loading the schematic...