
  • Holiday Sale! Use code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything! There are additional discounts on all products marked with the theme "Winter"!
  1. CityBuild Bundle

    CityBuild Bundle 1.0.13

    This CityBuild Bundle contains the following products: https://chunkfactory.com/product/homes-plugin-mysql-mongodb-postgresql-like-opsucht-1-17-1-19.3284/ (v1.3.0) https://chunkfactory.com/product/jobssystem-mysql-mongodb-postgresql-api-vault-support-1-17-1-19.3282/ (v1.2.5)...
  2. Jail Plugin | Only Sourcecode

    Jail Plugin | Only Sourcecode 1.2.1

    This is only the source code of the jail plugin. If you only want the Jail Plugin without source code, take a look at the following product: https://chunkfactory.com/product/jail-plugin-mysql-mongodb-postgresql-like-griefergames-1-17-1-19.3283/
  3. Jail Plugin | MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL | Like GrieferGames | 1.17 - 1.20

    Jail Plugin | MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL | Like GrieferGames | 1.17 - 1.20 1.2.1

    Sourcecode: https://chunkfactory.com/product/jail-plugin-only-sourcecode.3287/ About Jail With the Jail Plugin you can force players who don't follow the rules to break down Obisdian blocks in order to be able to play again. The extensive configuration file of the plugin also gives you the...
  4. PrisonBreak: Sona [Usable for many Gamemodes]

    PrisonBreak: Sona [Usable for many Gamemodes] 1.11

    Sona ist ein panamäisches Gefängnis aus der beliebten Serie "Prison Break", Beim letzten Aufstand haben die Wächter die Insassen sich selbst überlassen sodass nun pure Anarchie herrscht. Sona ist eine Einbahnstraße es führt nur ein Weg hinein aber keiner mehr hinaus außer der Tod! Kompatibel...