Minecraft Version
  1. 1.19
  2. 1.18
  3. 1.17
This CityBuild Bundle contains the following products:
https://chunkfactory.com/product/homes-plugin-mysql-mongodb-postgresql-like-opsucht-1-17-1-19.3284/ (v1.3.0)
https://chunkfactory.com/product/jo...-postgresql-api-vault-support-1-17-1-19.3282/ (v1.2.5)
https://chunkfactory.com/product/ja...-postgresql-like-griefergames-1-17-1-19.3283/ (v1.1.0)

All products support the database systems MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Each product runs Spigot version 1.17.1 to 1.19.4.
In addition, Java 16 or higher is required for each product.

If you have any bugs, problems or other requests, please use the "Get Support" button to report them here on Chunkfactory.
First release

Latest updates

  1. JobsSystem Version 1.2.5

    The JobsSystem has been updated to version 1.2.5. More information about this update can be...
  2. JobsSystem Version 1.2.4

    The JobsSystem has been updated to version 1.2.4. More information about this update can be...
  3. JobsSystem Version 1.2.3

    The JobsSystem has been updated to version 1.2.3. More information about this update can be...