
  1. Mushroom Bedwars Map

    Mushroom Bedwars Map 1.12.2+

    About the map · Size - 385x120x386 · Version - 1.12.2+ - 4 teams important to do /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  2. Gambit | 150x150 | Mushroom Arena

    Gambit | 150x150 | Mushroom Arena 0.1

    Includes: Outdoor & indoor areas. Spawn warp platform. Simple & flat PvP surface with little to no obstructions. Big angel. Swords. 4 structures. You are given a zip with a .schem/.schematic file and world folder. Contact us if you have any issues or questions.
  3. Mushroom Forest

    Mushroom Forest 1.12

    A small lobby set in a forest of big mushrooms, with a portal and spaces for NPC.
  4. fantasy steampunk castle

    fantasy steampunk castle 1

    Fantasy Castle Spawn The build includes: Castle artificial sea (glass) big mushrooms big trees bridge 6 Islands big lilypads space for things like loot crates etc. The Build is 400x400, With a 180x160 castle. The castle includes a huge clocktower and a bridge leading to an other tower on a...
  5. SkyWars 4Pack #2

    SkyWars 4Pack #2 1

    Schetchfab 3D Modellansicht: 3D Ansicht empfohlen. Inklusive: 4 kleine Karten für den schnellen Skywars-Modus 12 Inseln für ein interessantes Spiel. 2 auch ballanced mittlere inseln für vollere immersion. Viele Positionen mit...