
  1. 4 Minecraft Yellow Trees

    4 Minecraft Yellow Trees 1.21

    Golden Autumn Bundle – 4 Unique Yellow Trees for Minecraft & WorldPainter! ✨ Enhance your landscapes with this stunning collection of golden-hued trees, perfect for autumn forests, fantasy worlds, or enchanted realms. Optimized for easy import into WorldPainter and Minecraft, these trees bring a...
  2. Fira Floating Hub

    Fira Floating Hub 1.0

    Floating Hub Build Description: Discover this exceptional Minecraft hub, meticulously designed to offer a unique visual and interactive experience. Perched on a majestic floating island, this hub is a masterpiece of architecture and design in the Minecraft universe. Key Features...
  3. Torso Organic - Nature Floating Island 1.16+

    Torso Organic - Nature Floating Island 1.16+ 1.16+

    Giant Stone Torso surrounded by nature, located on a floating island
  4. God of War III Hades Organic 1.16+

    God of War III Hades Organic 1.16+ 1.16+

    Minecraft organic based on the god of war trilogy hades character 250x250 blocks
  5. Spawn Enchanted Castle ➔ 300x300

    Spawn Enchanted Castle ➔ 300x300 1.0

    Information: > The map is supported for versions 1.8 - 1.18+ > Can be used as Survival / SkyBlock or Minigames Spawn > On the map is place for 3 NPC's (can be managed by you) > Place for 2 Crates (can be managed by you) > Place for info boards > Place for Statistics > Villages with interiors >...
  6. Lobby Dragonhold Fort ➔ 500x600

    Lobby Dragonhold Fort ➔ 500x600 1.1

    Information: > The map is supported for versions 1.8 - 1.18+ > On the map is place for 7 NPC's (can be managed by you) > Place for 2 Crates (can be managed by you) > Place for 3 info boards > Market areas (more than 18 market tents) > Villages with interiors > Beautiful giant orange castle > 2...
  7. Snake Hub - 4 Portals

    Snake Hub - 4 Portals e.g.0.1

    Enthält: -4 Portale -1 Spawnpunkte -1 organische Stoffe - Saubere und angenehme Atmosphäre Wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme oder Fragen haben, senden Sie mir eine Nachricht über meine Zwietracht: Melvyno # 1158 und ich werde Ihnen helfen. ein sehr schönes kleines Zentrum mit sehr schönen Farben...
  8. Server Hub 200x200

    Server Hub 200x200 0.1

    Orientalischer Server Spawn, gebaut in einer wüstenartigen Umgebung -Wüste -kleine Wüsten Häuser -ein großer Wüsten Tempel -sieben verschiedene Organics -ein Skorpion -fünf Menschen -fünf große Säulen -fünf Schilderwände für Spielmodi Oriental server spawn, buit...
  9. Sky Spawn

    Sky Spawn 2018-01-25

    This spawn consists of fantasy buildings and organics, giving the spawn a fantastic visual look and a great first appearance for the players. this spawn features: - Three floating islands - A statue of a woman - Space for game boards - Space for leaderboards - Space for NPC's
  10. 150x150 Circle Spawn

    150x150 Circle Spawn 1

    Hi there! Map by Eremilion & Omegafoxx -Spawn 150x150, in circle -5 slots (+1VIP) for Mini-games lobby. -All organics, builds are asymetrics. For any question, DM me here :) or on discord Omegafoxx#8148 Bundle of trees used (build by eremilion)...
  11. Green Firedragon

    Green Firedragon 1

    Ein grüner Feuerdrache A green firedragon.
  12. Giant squid sky wars map

    Giant squid sky wars map 1.0

    Diese farbenfrohe Unterwasser Skywars PVP Karte kann mehrfach verwendet werden. In der Mitte befindet sich ein großer Tintenfisch, dessen Tentakeln jeweils auf einen Spawn der Map zeigen. In den Tentakeln befinden sich Kisten für die Spieler. Um zur Mitte zu gelangen, um beispielsweise noch mehr...