
  1. Natural Pack

    Natural Pack 1.12.2+

    Version: 1.12.2+ This set includes: 126 mushrooms 120 trees 96 flowers 84 plants 72 portals 54 creatures 16 rune stones 6 chests total 574 in the future I will make updates to this set important to do: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  2. Parkour Ruins

    Parkour Ruins 1.0

    Product information: Size: 272x200 Versions: 1.8 - 1.21+ Parkour that leads through the ruins 2 check locations Start and end Download: Build can be loaded on any version 1.8+ and higher, versions below are provided as there are new blocks in these versions Java Schematic: • 1.8 - 1.11...
  3. Medieval Pack

    Medieval Pack 1.12.2+

    This set includes: 205 houses 35 trees 33 towers 6 walls You can use these buildings to create your own maps for commissions and for the store, but you cannot resell these buildings, by purchasing this set you agree to these rules.
  4. Cherry Blossom Tree

    Cherry Blossom Tree 2.0

    Nice dark oak cherry blossom Attach files tree made out of magenta and pink stained glass and pink wool and concrete.
  5. Dark Spawn

    Dark Spawn 1.0

    Product information: Beautiful purple-themed dark spawn Size: 226x275 Versions: 1.8 - 1.20+ Interiors: Yes (in houses only, first floor) Nether portal 2 places for Crates 9 places for NPCs Drop-down portal Spawnpoint Several market tents Interiors and so much more.. Download: Build can be...
  6. Oriental Build Pack

    Oriental Build Pack 1

    Oriental Build Pack This oversized oriental garden pack is an all-purpose schematic pack for any type of project. Add these objects to your lobby, hub, garden, or solo project! Get creative with the possibilities...
  7. Medieval Red Castle Spawn - 539x525

    Medieval Red Castle Spawn - 539x525 1.1

    MAP INFORMATION FIle Format ➔ .Schematic/World Size ➔ 539x525 Theme ➔ Medieval Version ➔ 1.8+ Npc Area ➔ True Shop Area ➔ True Map Type ➔ Spawn High Quality ➔ True © 2022 Minelc Builds. All rights reserved.
  8. Rabbit Hole

    Rabbit Hole 1.0

    Lobby ❯ Rabbit Hole Dimensions - 300 X 350 Version - 1.8+ RESOURCE FILES World File ✅ Schematic File ✅ 8 Teams 4 emerald generators 4 diamond generators Java Edition ✅ BedRock Edition ✅ ℹ️ - Use FAWE (Fast Async WorldEdit) for load the schematic ℹ️ - Before loading the schematic...
  9. 30x Biome Skyblok Island | SkyBlock Pack

    30x Biome Skyblok Island | SkyBlock Pack 1.0

    MAP INFORMATION FIle Format ➔ .Schematic SIZE ➔ Pack Theme ➔ Nature Version ➔ 1.12+ Npc Area ➔ False Portal Area ➔ True Map Type ➔ IslandPack High Quality ➔ True © 2022 Minelc Builds. All rights reserved.
  10. Greek Angelical Lobby | 260x380

    Greek Angelical Lobby | 260x380 2023-02-03

    MAP INFORMATION FIle Format ➔ .Schematic SIZE ➔ 260x380 Theme ➔ Greek Version ➔ 1.12+ Npc Area ➔ True Portal Area ➔ False Map Type ➔ Hub High Quality ➔ True © 2022 Minelc Builds. All rights reserved.
  11. Small Tree Pack

    Small Tree Pack 1.1

    Product information: 12 trees ready for your use Versions: 1.16 - 1.20+ Size range: 9x9 - 27x27 Includes following trees: Oak trees (3 types - big, medium, small) Birch trees (3 types - big, medium, small) Jungle trees (3 types - big, medium, small) Spruce trees (3 types - big, medium, small)...
  12. Magenta Castle - Lobby 200x170

    Magenta Castle - Lobby 200x170 Featured 1.3

    Description: • It is High Quality Lobby with amazing castle and lot of more go discover it. • Size : 200x200 • Versions : 1.8+ - 1.19.+ 3D MODEL : HERE Includes: • Places for 3x NPC • Places for 3x Crates • Parkour • Shop Area • Space for your needs Additional Information: Schematic World...
  13. Bedwars - Green Lands

    Bedwars - Green Lands 2022-11-12

    A nature bedwars map for 8 players with diamond & emerald islands
  14. Fantasy TurtleTree Map/Spawn ONE TIME SALE

    Fantasy TurtleTree Map/Spawn ONE TIME SALE 1.12

    Fantasy spawn with multiple organics/town/pathing and detail everywhere. The path loop around in a circle and the houses have interior. People Spawn in a cave with a direct view to the turtle organic. Place for crates is near the cave. Map is to be pasted at height 40. Size is 370x370 exact...
  15. Desert Village - Spawn |200x200|

    Desert Village - Spawn |200x200| 1.1

    Description: • It's a High-Quality Spawn where you can discover sandy secrets • Size : 200x200 •Minecraft versions: 1.8+ - 1.19+ 3D MODEL : HERE Includes: • Spawn point • 4x NPC places • Space for your needs • Small Desert Village Additional Information: Schematics World Bedrock ❯ 1.8+ ❯...
  16. Castle Hub ⫸ Medieval ⫸ 400x300

    Castle Hub ⫸ Medieval ⫸ 400x300 Featured 1.0

    Castle Hub ⫸ 3D Model -LINK- ⫸ Map information Dimensions » 400x300 « ❖ Place for 6 NPCs ❖ Spawn point ❖ Houses ❖ Castle ❖ Towers ❖ Ships ❖ Islands ❖ Dragon ❖ Bridge ◈ and much more... ➲ Download Files ZiP File Regular map world. 1.8/1.14.4 Schematic. 1.8/1.14.4 • Before using...
  17. Granite mountain | BedWars map

    Granite mountain | BedWars map v1.1

    This map is inspired by the movie "Only the Brave" in honor of the dead firefighters. There is a tree on the map that the "Granite mountain" squad defended before their last fatal fire on Yarner Hill. Includes: 4 initial islands 4 intermediate Islands Middle Minecraft version: 1.17.+


    TREE BUNDLE VII version: 1.8+ content: 25 spruces in total small, medium-high and high trees with & without cones easy copying due to presorting in the grid MORE BUILDS & TEMPLATES


    ONETIME SALE - TREE BUNDLE version: 1.8+ content: 25 spruces in total 5 birches 5 small esps 5 oaks 10 spruces easy copying due to presorting in the grid MORE BUILDS & TEMPLATES
  20. Large Fantasy Symmetrical spawn

    Large Fantasy Symmetrical spawn 1.12.2

    Large symmetrical fantasy spawn with lots of trees and multiple portals.