+ Added piston head block to /blocks
+ When editing gamerules in a world (/worlds edit), the next page button should now work as intended in versions <1.13
Likes: AmuBBM
+ Fix updater showing incorrect version
Likes: AmuBBM
+ Add support for Minecraft 1.19

+ Bug fixes:
» Don't import a world twice if already existent (/worlds importAll)
Likes: AmuBBM
+ Default world permissions
» Added 2 new config options: world.default.permission.public and world.default.permission.public
» Each option sets the default permission the respected world type will have when created
» Use %world% as a placeholder for the world's name

+ Restrict commands to world creator
» All commands defaults to .self when no suffix (.self, .other) is provided. For example: buildsystem.day = buildsystem.day.self
» With the permission suffix .self, a player can only modify worlds that belong to the player (player is creator)
» With the permission suffix .other, a player can only modify worlds that don't belong to the player (player is not creator)

+ More permission checks when using /worlds edit
» Each task found in /worlds edit now has an extra sub-permission to restrict tasks to certain players.
» A list of all permissions can be found here: https://buildsystem.eintosti.com/worlds/edit/
+ Correctly allow multiple private worlds to be created
+ Fixes a bug where creators could not add builders to their world with /worlds addBuilder

+ From now on, only the creator of a world can delete it (or players with the admin permission: buildsystem.admin)

+ Players are no longer limited to one private world. Use the permission buildsystem.create.private.<amount> to the maximum amount a player can create
+ Navigator permission changes
» Changes the permission needed to open the navigator to buildsystem.navigator
» Adds a permission which is needed to receive the navigator item: buildsystem.navigator.item

+ Fixed bugs with the modern navigator

» Item used to close navigator could be dropped
» Players were able to modify other player's navigator leaving them unusable

+ Minor optimisation
» Reset unload task after world switch (or quitting) to ensure correct unload time
+ Allow unloaded worlds to be renamed
» Previously, a world had to be imported in order for it to be renamed

+ Changes to world difficulty
» Allow a world's difficulty to be changed in the /worlds edit menu
» Correctly retrieve the default world difficultly from the config
Worlds that were unloaded and then loaded again were using the standard WorldCreator, not the custom generators they should be
Fix an error in legacy versions (< 1.13) where normal blocks could not be broken when slab breaking was enabled