Umfangreiches Mute System + Web Admin Panel [1.8.x - 1.21]

Umfangreiches Mute System + Web Admin Panel [1.8.x - 1.21]

Minecraft Version
  1. 1.20
  2. 1.19
  3. 1.18
  4. 1.17
  5. 1.16
  6. 1.15
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.13
  9. 1.12
  10. 1.11
  11. 1.10
  12. 1.9
  13. 1.8
Click here to visit my Ban System plugin


With this Mute plugin, you'll have access to a variety of powerful commands and an Admin Webinterface to mute players on your server.
Everything is configurable.


Web Admin Panel:

There is also a website which helps you manage the mutes.
You can mute players, unmute them, and show or edit their mute history.
In addition, there is a dashboard where you can view statistics about your mutes, such as the most common reasons for mutes.
The Webinterface also has a Permissions System.

The source code of the website and the plugin is included!
More details below!


  • /mute [player] [time] [reason] - Mute for a specified amount of time. If no time is specified, the mute will be permanent.
  • /mute [player] [#<mutetemplate-id>] - Mute a player with a specific mutetemplate.
  • /unmute [player] [reason] - Unmute a player who has been previously muted.
  • /muteinfo [player] - View all current and past mute information for a specific player.
  • /clearmutes [player] - Clear all mute entries for a specific player.
  • /mutetemplate list - List all available mutetemplates.
  • /mutetemplate add <time> <reason> - Add a new mutetemplate.
  • /mutetemplate edit <id> <time> <reason> - Edit an existing mutetemplate.
  • /mutetemplate remove <id> - Remove a mutetemplate with given id.

  • mutesystem.mute - Allow to use /mute command
  • mutesystem.mute.permanent - Allow to mute permanently
  • mutesystem.mute.<PERMISSION> - Allow to mute for limited time
  • mutesystem.unmute - Allow to unmute
  • mutesystem.muteinfo - Allow to see mute info
  • mutesystem.mutetemplate - Allow to add/edit/remove templates
  • mutesystem.mutereload - Reload the mute config

If you want a group, for example supporters, to be able to mute players only for a certain time, you have to create a permission in the settings.yml like this:

and give the permission (mutesystem.mute.supporter) to the supporter. You can create as many permissions as you want.
Don't forget to give them mutesystem.mute permission aswell!


• Spigot / Paper / Bukkit [version 1.8 - 1.21]
• BungeeCord / Waterfall [version 1.8 - 1.21]

• Online / Offline Mode



Do not install both plugins!

If you have a Bungeecord server, put the MuteSystem-Bungee.jar in the plugins folder of your bungeecord server

If you have a spigot server, put the MuteSystem-Spigot.jar in the plugins folder of your spigot server

OPTIONAL (if you want to use the Web Admin Panel):

  1. Upload the website to your webserver
  2. Enter MySQL data in the mysql/mysql.php file. MySQL data must be the same as on the Bungeecord / Spigot server.
  3. Log in to the website with the username 'admin' and password 'admin' and create a new user

Discord Support


Example Images

Mute Help

Mute Templates


Mute broadcast

Mute history

Mute Message

Web Interface Login


Recent Punishments

Dark Mode ;)



Player Ban History
First release

Latest updates

  1. Update to 2.2

    - siehe Changelog
  2. Offline mode support & Website update

    Offline mode support - Added support for BungeeCord offline mode. Make sure to enable onlineMode...
  3. Bugfixes
