
  1. InventoryPagesPlus | H2/MYSQL | 100% Customize Config | Multi-languages

    InventoryPagesPlus | H2/MYSQL | 100% Customize Config | Multi-languages 1.3

    1.16.x -> 1.21.x For the Minecraft community in general, and myself in particular, having extra inventory slots is a fantastic feature. That's why plugins like PlayerVaults were created, allowing players to have additional storage in their interface. But what if the player's main inventory...
  2. Mine Pack | Stylish Themes - Vol 1

    Mine Pack | Stylish Themes - Vol 1 v1

    Stylish Mines By Block Team ――――――― Hello everyone, we are thrilled to announce our newest product, a pack of mines! The best part is that these mines perfectly match the spawns from Stylish Themes, so don't miss the chance to get these products to give your server a great look. We need help...
  3. YourServer - Domains und mehr...

    YourServer - Domains und mehr... 1.2 - Stable

    Lasse Spieler eigene Server erstellen und ganz einfach verwalten. Spieler können dabei SubDomains, Plugins, Welt Einstellungen, Namen, Beschreibung, RAM Anzahl, Slots und das Icon verändern. Spieler bekommen auch die Möglichkeit eigene Subdomains hinzuzufügen um diese dann zu benutzen...
  4. Stylish Themes

    Stylish Themes v1

    Stylish Themes By Block Team ――――――― Hello everyone, first and foremost, I would like to say that BlockTeam is a newly created team/store with the goal of creating products that always generate interest and satisfaction among our customers. I also want to mention that we are open to...
  5. Arcade Arena - 150x150

    Arcade Arena - 150x150 Featured 1.0

    PRODUCT INFORMATION: Size: 150x150 Version: 1.8-1.20 SpawnPoint Small organics Download: You will receive a .zip file with the following: Schematic World Bedrock 1.8 1.8 .mcworld File 1.12+ 1.12 1.16+ 1.16 1.18+ 1.18 1.20+ 1.20
  6. PvPEvent System

    PvPEvent System 1.1

    Hey, hier kannst du dir ein kleines PvP Event System für deinen Server holen. Die Spieler bekommen beim joinen automatisch alles, was sie brauchen, wenn du das Event nur beobachten möchtest geht das auch. Unten kannst du dir nochmal alle Commands mit Permissions und Erklärungen anschauen...

    MUSHROOM ISLAND 1.8+ 1.12+ 1.16+ 1.19+

    WORLD & SCHEMATIC *1.8x *1.12x *1.16x *1.19x PVP
  8. CreepProtect | Protect your Environment! | SOURCECODE NOT INCLUDED | GERMAN | ENGLISH

    CreepProtect | Protect your Environment! | SOURCECODE NOT INCLUDED | GERMAN | ENGLISH 1.0

    ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Have you always been annoyed by creepers destroying your world? This will make it extremely easy for you and no creeper will annoy you anymore :) GERMAN TRANSLATION: Du bist genervt, dass Creeper immer deine Welt zerstören ? Dieses Plugin wird dir deine Sorgen ersparen...
  9. TreeHub >> FantasyTemple

    TreeHub >> FantasyTemple 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.16

    A superb hub/lobby for your server, offering ample space for various elements and featuring four Nether portals ! Map information Dimensions -> 100x100 -> Place for many NPCs -> Spawn point -> Big tree -> Water -> Vegetation -> Nether Portal -> Easy to customize Schematic. 1.20 and under •...
  10. BedWars Source like Rewi and TeamMLG

    BedWars Source like Rewi and TeamMLG SRC 1.0

    Generelles UNSUPPORTED BedWars in modern networks: As in Rewinside, TeamMLG and AntiAC. I have connected all 3 servers and made them a plugin. Paper 1.19.2 - 1.20.1 Map setup Open the config.ae Paste this into maps: {} [ ironSpawner: { [ worldName: Name...
  11. DailyRewards [1.8X] [MySQL]

    DailyRewards [1.8X] [MySQL] 1.0

    Hey, schön das du auf mein Plugin gestoßen bist! Ich habe ein sehr professionelles und hochqualitatives DailyReward-Plugin geschrieben welches mit einer MySQL-Datenbank läuft. Commands: /dailyreward Worauf wartest du also noch? :) Schlag zu!
  12. Desert/forest PvP Map 300x300

    Desert/forest PvP Map 300x300 2023-07-08

    Discover desert and jungle biomes. Caves and pvp areas! ----------------------------------- map size: 300x300 theme: medieval ----------------------------------- ingame-pictures:
  13. Lobby/Spawn Castle Lobby

    Lobby/Spawn Castle Lobby 1.12

    ** Full detailed Castle Spawn Map By Astraxtia** **Version 1.12.X**
  14. Lobby/Spawn Royal Lobby

    Lobby/Spawn Royal Lobby 1.12

    **Royal Lobby/Spawn Map By Astraxtia** **Version 1.12.X
  15. Spawn/hub - Fantasy World - 350x350

    Spawn/hub - Fantasy World - 350x350 1.12 - 1.19

    PRODUCT INFORMATION ∎ Fantasy spawn/hub ∎ Size: ≈400x300 ∎ Version: 1.12 - 1.19+ ∎ Places for 5 NPCs (can be managed by you) ∎ Places for 5 Crates (can be managed by you) ∎ Spawnpoint ∎ Few structures and so much more.. Tip: Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 because the...
  16. StatsAPI [+SRC]

    StatsAPI [+SRC] 1.0

    Servus! Toll, das du Interesse für mein Produkt hast. Ich biete dir hier eine professionelle StatsAPI die was von mir programmiert wurde an. Sei dir bewusst, dass ein wenig Erfahrung vom Programmieren vorteilhaft wäre! Das Plugin bassiert auf der Version 1.16. Wichtige Informationen für die...
  17. Medieval House - Surrounded by water

    Medieval House - Surrounded by water 1.0

    Contents: Medieval House as schematic (1.19.2) =================================== Note: 1. The Object was build with the resourcepack "ALACRITY" 2. The Object contains no interior. ====================================
  18. Medieval Tavern

    Medieval Tavern 1.0

    Version Filetype 1.19+ schematic Note: 1. This Object was built with the resourcepack "ALACRITY" 2. This Object contains no interior.
  19. Skywars - Back To The Future (1.12 Blocks)

    Skywars - Back To The Future (1.12 Blocks) 1.12

    -Skywars map for 12 players. -Start islands have 3 chest (1.12 Blocks)
  20. CoinsAPI  + SourceCode [1.8-1.19.3]

    CoinsAPI + SourceCode [1.8-1.19.3] 1.0

    Hey, Ich habe eine CoinsAPI geschrieben welches das umgehen mit Geld auf den Minecraft-Servers EXTREM vereinfacht. Egal wo, man kann diese API in LobbySystemen, in Spielmodi, in Events oder was auch immer anwenden. Methoden siehe Anhang: