
  1. Colorful Asian Dungeon

    Colorful Asian Dungeon 1.0

    PRODUCT INFORMATION: Size: 100x100 Version: 1.8-1.20 SpawnPoint 9 rooms Corridors connecting each room Parkours Detailed decoration everywhere! Download: You will receive a .zip file with the following: Schematic World Bedrock 1.8 1.8 .mcworld File 1.12+ 1.12 1.16+ 1.16...
  2. Mario - Kit PvP Map

    Mario - Kit PvP Map 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: Size: ~6OOx6OO More screenshots here: Imgur album 3D Viewing: Click THE ARENA HAVE: 1x NPC spots 6x Crates Spawn Island LeaderBoard InfoBoard FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 (because the leaves from trees...
  3. Sky Wars Pack - 4 Maps

    Sky Wars Pack - 4 Maps 1.0

    This pack contains: 4 SkyWars Maps Themes: Medieval Viking Oriental Pirate 1.8+ support Schematic And .World File HIGH QUALITY MAP! contains: interior enveronment structures organic DEMO VIDEO:

    1vs1 1.20+ (Source Code) | (MYSQL) + MULTI-ARENA SUPPORT, STATSAPI + LEADERBOARDS 1.0

    Heyy, du suchst ein Minigame für deinen Server? Bei Fragen könnt ihr gerne auf Discord anfragen: https://discord.gg/szUA7VpnuM Features: - Schnelle Einrichtung von Maps und Arenen - Stats API (mit Inventar) + Leaderboards - Spectate Modus - Warteschlange Commands: - /1vs1 |...


    Heyy, du suchst ein Minigame für deinen Server? Bei Fragen könnt ihr gerne auf Discord anfragen: https://discord.gg/szUA7VpnuM Features: - Schnelle Einrichtung von Maps und Arenen - Stats API (mit Inventar) + Leaderboards - Spectate Modus - Warteschlange Commands: - /sumo |...
  6. Arcade Arena - 150x150

    Arcade Arena - 150x150 Featured 1.0

    PRODUCT INFORMATION: Size: 150x150 Version: 1.8-1.20 SpawnPoint Small organics Download: You will receive a .zip file with the following: Schematic World Bedrock 1.8 1.8 .mcworld File 1.12+ 1.12 1.16+ 1.16 1.18+ 1.18 1.20+ 1.20
  7. Fortnite Weapons [Oraxen & ItemsAdder]

    Fortnite Weapons [Oraxen & ItemsAdder] 2024-06-08

    Update your server with all items you need to start an amazing war! Comes with Pistol. Magnum, MP, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Sniper, Blade, Axe and Hammer.. Drag&Drop Oraxen Config ✔ Drag&Drop ItemsAdder Config ✔ Blockbench Raw Files ✔
  8. Pirate - PvP arena v1.8+

    Pirate - PvP arena v1.8+ Supported versions - 1.8+

    PRODUCT INFORMATION ∎ Size of the map:175X175 ∎ Versions: 1.8+ IT CONTAINS ∎ A spawn on the center ∎ Rocks with interiors ∎ Ravine ∎ Pirate themed houses ∎ Detailed enough ∎ Enough space for PvP ∎ And more
  9. Mirage Dungeon - Server Map

    Mirage Dungeon - Server Map v2

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D model viewing here: Click More screenshots here: Imgur Album THE DUNGEON HAS: 1x Boss Room 6x Rooms 1x Trader Room 1x Spawn point Treasures on this map! You need more Dungeons? Click FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule...
  10. Clash of Clans Bedwars Map

    Clash of Clans Bedwars Map 1.12.2+

    About the map · Size - 385x120x386 · Version - 1.12.2+ - 4 teams important to do /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  11. Rune bedwars map

    Rune bedwars map 1.12.2+

    About the map · Size - 385x120x386 · Version - 1.12.2+ - 4 teams important to do /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  12. Medieval pvp arena

    Medieval pvp arena 1.12.2+

    About the map · Size - 220x90x220 · Interiors - No · Version - 1.12.2+ important to do /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  13. Cherry Blossom Arena

    Cherry Blossom Arena 2024-03-01

    120x120 Cherry Blossom Monster Arena, built by PegasusFieber17 on creative.sirium.builders.. Can be used as small spawn, pvp arena or bossfight zone. Arena can be left by climbing the tree.
  14. Royal Hall-Of-Fame

    Royal Hall-Of-Fame 2024-03-01

    120x90 Royal Hall-Of-Fame, built by Flexx47 on sirium.builders.. Can be used as arena, waiting room, leaderboard room or hub. The .Schematic should work fine from 1.17 up to 1.20!
  15. The Kitchen - BoxPvP 2.0

    The Kitchen - BoxPvP 2.0 2024-02-21

    The Kitchen BoxPvP 2.0 Construction information: Versions: 1.16.5 - 1.120.2 File: .schem and World Files. Theme: Beautiful kitchen area for your users. Size: 400x400 Includes 10 mines Spawn Crates Trades Wood Files .schem 1.20.2 World Carpet 1.16.5 1.20.2
  16. PvPEvent System

    PvPEvent System 1.1

    Hey, hier kannst du dir ein kleines PvP Event System für deinen Server holen. Die Spieler bekommen beim joinen automatisch alles, was sie brauchen, wenn du das Event nur beobachten möchtest geht das auch. Unten kannst du dir nochmal alle Commands mit Permissions und Erklärungen anschauen...

    MUSHROOM ISLAND 1.8+ 1.12+ 1.16+ 1.19+

    WORLD & SCHEMATIC *1.8x *1.12x *1.16x *1.19x PVP
  18. Starhill - Survival Spawn

    Starhill - Survival Spawn 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D Viewinng: Click All In-Game Screenshot Here THE LOBBY HAS: 1x Portal 4x Crates 11x NPC PvP Arena Mine Market zone 1x Big Castle Farm zone Port zone and decorations FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0...
  19. BOXPVP | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba | 300x300

    BOXPVP | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba | 300x300 1

    THE BOX PVP ARENA HAS: 1x Spawn 1x Leadeboard place 7x Crates 1x AFK Zone 1x Trade Zone (8 slots) 4x Ender chests 9x Mines 4xMines Ores FILE FORMATS: world folder : .schem IMPORTANT Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  20. Chapel Dungeon - Server Map

    Chapel Dungeon - Server Map 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D model viewing here: Click More screenshots here: Imgur Album THE DUNGEON HAS: 1x Boss Room 1x Main Room 3x Rooms 1x Street zone 1x Spawn point Treasures on this map! FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0...