
  1. PvP Arena - 4 Biomes

    PvP Arena - 4 Biomes 1.0

    MAP INFORMATION FIle Format ➔ .Schematic SIZE ➔ 220x220 Theme ➔ 4 Biomes Version ➔ 1.8+ Npc Area ➔ False Portal Area ➔ False Map Type ➔ Arena High Quality ➔ True
  2. SteamPunk Airship

    SteamPunk Airship 1.12.2+

    A huge airship hovers over a flooded and destroyed city. Accompanied by a squadron of fighters.
  3. Ruined Medieval Houses Pack

    Ruined Medieval Houses Pack 2023-07-21

    5 destroyed houses + 5 regular houses, built by our team member Darth_E on sirium.network.. Perfect assets for villages or a city. Schematic works on 1.17 and above! Best regards, Team Sirium
  4. Military Base

    Military Base 1.0

    Product information: Giant base full of airplanes, vehicles, satelits, cranes, garages, etc. Size: 590x903 Versions: 1.16 - 1.20+ Interiors: Yes Entrance Runway Aircrafts Helicopters Vehicles Hangars Containers Crane Control towers Download: Build can be loaded on any version 1.16+ and...
  5. Red Cubes - Skywars Map

    Red Cubes - Skywars Map 1.0.0

    Beschreibung: Diese Skywars Map ist in einem Radius von 142 Blöcken gebaut. Sie beinhaltet 8 äußere Inseln und 8 in der Mitte. Man kann diese Karte für den Solo Modus für 8 Spieler benutzen oder für den Team Modus für 16 Spieler. Jede Äußer Insel beinhaltet 3 Kisten. Auf den Inseln in der Mitte...
  6. Wooden Gears - Skywars Map

    Wooden Gears - Skywars Map 1.1

    Map Description: This Map is within a radius of 125 Blocks. The map contains 8 islands. You can use it for Solo Mode for 8 players or in Team Mode for 16 players. Every island contains 3 chests. On the center Island are 8 chests. The amount of chests can changed very easily! Dimensions: •...


    Die Lobby ist im Stil eines Diesel-Punk-Luftschiffs gestaltet. Es gibt ein unvollständiges Interieur mit Korridoren / Hallen / Lagern / Räumen. The lobby/spawn is made in the style of a dieselpunk airship. There is an incomplete interior, with corridors / halls /...
  8. 4 Islands PvP SkyWars 150x150

    4 Islands PvP SkyWars 150x150 1

    A 150x150 Skywars map, with 4 big islands. Designed for fast preparation, this map will load fast. There's no lightning calculation, all the islands are 100% covered with a roof to prevent rain for example. If you have any question, please DM me.
  9. Skywar Maps Pack (11 Maps) & Free Spawn!

    Skywar Maps Pack (11 Maps) & Free Spawn! 0.1

    Includes: 11 Skywar Maps to Instantly buy and put in your server Free Lobby to put portals or signs based on your skywars plugin Different sized skywar maps to ensure smaller games to played on smaller servers A few different styles to ensure variety of maps For a more comfortable paste use...