OnlineTime | MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL | API/Sourcecode | 1.8 - 1.20

OnlineTime | MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL | API/Sourcecode | 1.8 - 1.20

Minecraft Version
  1. 1.20
  2. 1.19
  3. 1.18
  4. 1.17
  5. 1.16
  6. 1.15
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.13
  9. 1.12
  10. 1.11
  11. 1.10
  12. 1.9
  13. 1.8
The source code is included for free along with the jar files.

About OnlineTime
With the OnlineTime Plugin you have the possibility to save the online time of your players, as well as the logins, the time of the first and last login, the last IP address with which he logged in as well as retrieve the second accounts with which the player is on your network was.

The extensive configuration files allow you any kind of customization.

- /onlinetimeadmin - Manage the plugin (Permission: onlinetime.admin)
- /onlinetimeinfo - Get information about any player (Permission:,,, Aliases: Configurable)
- /onlinetime - Check your online time (Permission: None or onlinetime.other, Aliases: Configurable)

The API offers all options for retrieving player data. Exact API documentation is included in the purchase and otherwise support is always available.

If you use the API on a Bukkit/Spigot server with version 1.8 - 1.19.4, you must install the included Bukkit API Bridge on this server. Java 11 and higher is also supported on the Bukkit server

The plugin requires a BungeeCord server as well as at least Java 11 or higher.
Additionally you need a supported database system, the plugin offer support for MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

If you have any bugs, problems or other requests, please use the "Get Support" button to report them here on Chunkfactory.
Likes: SirBecker
First release

Latest updates

  1. Version 2.0.2 - SQL

    This update comes with an optimization of SQL databases and a small bug fix for PostgreSQL...
  2. Version 2.0.1 - MySQL Bugfix

    The MySQL database support had some bugs that were fixed by this update. Changes: The login...
  3. Version 2.0.0 - Update Checker

    It's been a long time since the last update of the OnlineTime plugin, which is why I decided to...