
  1. Stronghold Asset Pack

    Stronghold Asset Pack 2024-11-12

    70 + 'Stronghold' assets, inspired by the Firefly Studios original, built by Darth_E and Flexx47 on SiriumStudio.. Ideal to build up castles, and villages up bigger cities with ease! .Schematic File ✔
  2. 72 Egypt Assets

    72 Egypt Assets 2024-08-01

    Speed up your project with our 72 'Egypt Assets' built by Darth_E and Flexx47 on SiriumStudio..
  3. BlueApple - Server Lobby

    BlueApple - Server Lobby 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: Size: ≈120x120 3D Viewinng: Click THE LOBBY HAS: Spawn Point 5x NPC 1x Crates 3x Shoper tents FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 (because the leaves from trees can fall down)...
  4. Nether City Houses SMALL + BIG

    Nether City Houses SMALL + BIG 2023-08-08

    5x Small and 5x Big Nether House Assets, built by Misoh_ on Build your own impressive nether hub, villages for your players, or use it as a solid base for a big city. Schematic works on 1.17+! Best regards, Team Sirium
  5. Ruined Medieval Houses Pack

    Ruined Medieval Houses Pack 2023-07-21

    5 destroyed houses + 5 regular houses, built by our team member Darth_E on Perfect assets for villages or a city. Schematic works on 1.17 and above! Best regards, Team Sirium
  6. House Pack

    House Pack 1.1

    Description: House Pack Minecraft versions : 1.8+ - 1.19.+ 3D MODEL : HERE Includes: • House 6x • Booths 2x Additional Information: Schematics World Bedrock ❯ 1.8+ ❯ 1.8+ ❯ .mcworld ❯ 1.12+ ❯ 1.12+ ❯ 1.16+ ❯1.16+ ❯ 1.19+ ❯ 1.19+ IMPORTANT! Before loading the schematic...
  7. -| HUB |- Cute Little Town | 180x180

    -| HUB |- Cute Little Town | 180x180 1.0

    ⫸ Map information Dimensions » 180x180 « ❖ Place for 3 NPCs ❖ Spawn point ❖ Crates Place ❖ Fountain ❖ Lighting ❖ Houses ◈ and much more... ➲ Download Files Zip. File world. 1.8/1.14.4 Schematic. 1.8/1.14.4 • Before using schematic use this command • /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  8. 8+ Bundle Medieval Houses

    8+ Bundle Medieval Houses 1.8

    There are supported on 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 versions. +8 Bundle Medieval houses with differen style each house.
  9. Lobby - Fantasy Medieval - 310x320

    Lobby - Fantasy Medieval - 310x320 1.2

    Product information: Size: 310x320 Interiors: Yes Versions: 1.8 - 1.20+ 1 big Portal End, Nether portal KOTH/PvP arena Mines Interiors Shops Wheat, carrot farms 10 Crates (editable) NPC places and so much more.. Download: Build can be loaded on any version 1.8+ and higher, versions below...
  10. Medieval town Island

    Medieval town Island 1.16.5-1.19.2

    Medieval Town Island This town is located in the middle of the ocean. this town have a lively environment, with every building is interiored ! Its full size is 350x350 and you can extend the ocean !
  11. [Lobby ➥ WarteLobby] ✩ Simply ✩

    [Lobby ➥ WarteLobby] ✩ Simply ✩ 1.0.0

    BESCHREIBUNG ___________________________________ Du bekommst eine von uns selbst gebaute und gestaltete WarteLobby im Stil Mittelalter mit verschiedenen "Etagen". Sie hat einen coolen Style und bietet viel Platz zum laufen und erkunden. Sie kann für jegliche Spielmodi als WarteLobby genutzt...
  12. Mars City ❯ Spawn [130x115]

    Mars City ❯ Spawn [130x115] 1.1

    Description: • High Quality Lobby with Statues • Size : 130x115 • Versions : 1.8+ - 1.19.+ 3D MODEL: CLICK HERE Includes: • Spawn Point • Places for 4x NPC • Parkour • Exclusive Statues • Space for your needs Additional Information: Schematics World Bedrock ❯ 1.8+ ❯ 1.8+ ❯ .mcworld ❯...
  13. Bird Island - AuthMe |100x100|

    Bird Island - AuthMe |100x100| 1.4

    Description: • It's a High Quality AuthMe/Mini Spawn • Size : 100x100 • Minecraft versions : 1.8+ - 1.19+ 3D MODEL: CLICK HERE Includes: • Spawn Point • Space for your needs Additional Information: Schematic World Bedrock ❯ 1.8+ ❯ 1.8+ ❯ .mcworld ❯ 1.12+ ❯ 1.12+ ❯ 1.16+ ❯ 1.16+ ❯...