
  1. 6-level shaft

    6-level shaft 1.18+

    Size: 180x180x180 Version: 1.18+ There are no ores in the cave, you will arrange them as you need It contains: 1st floor - root cave with bones 2nd floor - watery cave + mushroom biome 3rd floor - normal cave + marble amethyst biome with an ancient temple 4th floor - cave with drippers 5th...
  2. Sun Village - Minecraft Spawn

    Sun Village - Minecraft Spawn 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D Viewinng: CLICK All In-Game Screenshot Here THE SPAWN HAS: 7x+ NPC 3x Crates Interior at houses Mage house Mine Market Zone Sea Port Maya Temple Ship and much more FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0...
  3. FrostBrook - Server Spawn

    FrostBrook - Server Spawn 2024-10-22

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: All In-Game Screenshot Here THE SPAWN HAS: 7x NPC 5x Crates Interior at houses PvP Arena Mine Market Zone Christmas Vibe (Only in Christmas Addon) FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 (because the leaves from...
  4. Shadow Cave - Dungeon | Mine

    Shadow Cave - Dungeon | Mine 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D Viewinng: Click All In-Game Screenshot Here THE CAVE HAS: Aboveground part of the mine Various ores Ruins 1.2O.4 Schematic include nice lights Old mining equipment Mine parts Glowing stones and much more... FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the...
  5. Mine Pack | Stylish Themes - Vol 1

    Mine Pack | Stylish Themes - Vol 1 v1

    Stylish Mines By Block Team ――――――― Hello everyone, we are thrilled to announce our newest product, a pack of mines! The best part is that these mines perfectly match the spawns from Stylish Themes, so don't miss the chance to get these products to give your server a great look. We need help...
  6. Red Mine

    Red Mine 2024-08-01

    Bless your prison players with a new mine, containing a 50x50x30 mining pit, spots for holos or NPCs and lots of space to afk.. This build was created by Darth_E and Flexx47 on SiriumStudio!
  7. Japanese Village - Server Spawn

    Japanese Village - Server Spawn 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D Viewinng: Click All In-Game Screenshot Here THE SPAWN HAS: 12x NPC 8x Crates 1x Portal Interior at houses PvP Arena Mine japanese Temple Rice Field FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 (because the leaves...
  8. Ancient Ruins - Minecraft Spawn

    Ancient Ruins - Minecraft Spawn 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D Viewinng: Click All In-Game Screenshot Here THE SPAWN HAS: 9x NPC 5x Crates 1x Mayan temple (have Interior) 1x Market Zone (5x Tents) 1x Mine +x 1 Tent near Mine 1x PvP Arena + 1x Tent near Arena Interiors and decorations FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before...
  9. 10 Prison Mines | 200x200 | Pack

    10 Prison Mines | 200x200 | Pack 1

    Includes • 47x47 Mining Zones • Ancient Theme • Cubic Theme • Desert Theme • Folkloric Theme • Kingdoms Theme • Mushroom Theme • Pirate Theme • Snow Theme • Volcanic Theme • Wilderness Theme Supported Versions • 1.17 & Higher ZIP Contents • Java World, .mcworld & Individual .schems Support...
  10. Starhill - Survival Spawn

    Starhill - Survival Spawn 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D Viewinng: Click All In-Game Screenshot Here THE LOBBY HAS: 1x Portal 4x Crates 11x NPC PvP Arena Mine Market zone 1x Big Castle Farm zone Port zone and decorations FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before loading the schematic: /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0...
  11. Caves | Mines v2

    Caves | Mines v2 2024-02-02

    Product information: Size: 137x167 Version: 1.8 - 1.20+ Ladders & paths through the entire mine for faster movement There are no ores (except some for decoration) in the map, it is up to you where you place them Amethyst Water at the bottom Lily pads Waterfalls and so much more Download...
  12. CartoonLand - Summer Version

    CartoonLand - Summer Version 0.1

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: 3D Viewinng: Click All In-Game Screenshot Here THE SPAWN HAS: Interior in all houses 1x Portal 7x NPC 5x Crates 1x Auto Mine 1x PvP Arena 8x Place for NPC (near the spawn point) 1x Blacksmith Place (market) 1x Bow Man Place (market) 1x Wizard Place (market) 1x Witch...
  13. Guardian Mine

    Guardian Mine 2023-10-02

    350 x 350 'Guardian' themed prison mine, built by YUU and Flexx47 on sirium.network.. The mining pit can be filled up to 100x100x 47 blocks height, and the map comes with a simple spawn. Everything is built on a detailed artistic floating island.. The .Schematic file will work from 1.17 up to...
  14. End Mine

    End Mine 2023-10-02

    300 x 300 'End' themed prison mine, built by Pegasusfieber17 and Flexx47 on sirium.network.. It contains a 100x100x40 mining pit, and an optional spawn.. The .Schematic file is working from 1.19 up to latest version!
  15. Blaze Mine

    Blaze Mine 2023-10-02

    250 x 250 'Blaze' themed prison mine, built by Pegasusfieber17 and Flexx47 on sirium.network.. It contains a 100x100x40 mining pit, a spawn and space to afk.. The .Schematic works from 1.19 up to latest version!
  16. Dystopian Prison City

    Dystopian Prison City 2023-10-02

    900 x 900 detailed Dystopian Prisonmine Map, built by Misoh_, YUU and Flexx47 on sirium.network.. Explore detailed houses, visit the shop and info corner, or just mine at the 100x100x40 pit.. The whole map is surrounded by barriers and should be pasted in between height 30-50! The .Schematic...
  17. Cyberpunk Mine

    Cyberpunk Mine 2023-09-29

    300 x 300 Cyberpunk Prison Mine, built by Pegasusfieber17 and Flexx47 on sirium.network.. The map contains: - spawn - NPC slots - infoboard - 100x100x40 mining pit - lots of space to afk The .schematic is working from 1.19 up to latest version!
  18. XL Roman Mine

    XL Roman Mine 2023-09-26

    400 x 400 Roman Prison Mine, built by YUU and Flexx47 on sirium.network.. The map comes with a spawn, NPC stands, custom lightsources and lots of space to afk.. Download file works from 1.19.4 up to latest version!
  19. XL Cherry Mine

    XL Cherry Mine 2023-09-24

    200 x 200 Cherry Prison Mine, built by Flexx47 on sirium.network.. It contains the following elements: - 100x100x40 mining pit - spawn - NPC slots - infoboard - detailed houses The download file works on 1.19.4 up to latest version!
  20. Kingdom - Server Spawn

    Kingdom - Server Spawn Featured 0.2

    RESOURCE INFORMATION: Size: ≈300x300 More screenshots here: Imgur Album 3D Viewinng: Click THE SPAWN HAS: Helloween + Christmas Version Maps 6x Trader House Interiors at Houses 6x Crates 5x NPC PvP Arena Mine (size 19x9x19) Fisherman House FILE FORMATS: .schematic IMPORTANT!!! Before...