
  1. BOXPVP 2 - Spawn, Arena and EXTRA ADDONS!

    BOXPVP 2 - Spawn, Arena and EXTRA ADDONS! 1.16.2

    Buying this map, you will gain access to a great quality starting place, where you will be able to place countless NPCs (~60) and many types of boxes and other interesting items. In addition, you will get a PvP zone where you can place generators for digging, as well as a special safe mining...
  2. Fantasy Prison Mine

    Fantasy Prison Mine 2023-07-19

    Lovely detailed prison mine, built by out team member Misoh_ on sirium.network .. Map is about 200x200 blocks and closed up by invisible barriers (:
  3. Forgotten | 200x280 | Lush Cave

    Forgotten | 200x280 | Lush Cave 1

    Includes • Variety Of Ores • Secret Areas • Tunnels • Skylight Holes • Vegetation • Spawners • Mini Boss Tunnel • Multiple Levels • No Ore Version & Ore Version Supported Versions • 1.19 & Higher ZIP Contents • Java World, .mcworld & .schem
  4. HQ Mine | 230x230 | Aquatic Themed

    HQ Mine | 230x230 | Aquatic Themed 1

    Aquatic Themed Mine 230x230 high quality aquatic themed prison mine. Perfect for your prison server. Supported Versions • 1.13 & Higher ZIP Contents • Java World, .mcworld & .schem Support Contact us if you have any issues or questions.
  5. Caves | Mines (1.19+)

    Caves | Mines (1.19+) 1.0

    Product information: Size: 150x120 Version: 1.19 - 1.20+ The mines are 134 blocks high Stairs through the entire mine for faster movement There are no ores in the map, it is up to you where you place them Various cave biomes: Lush cave Normal cave Nature cave Dripstone cave Dripstone and...
  6. 9x Colors MinePack | 75x75

    9x Colors MinePack | 75x75 2023-02-03

    MAP INFORMATION FIle Format ➔ .Schematic SIZE ➔ 75x75 PER MINE Theme ➔ Medieval Version ➔ 1.12+ Npc Area ➔ True Portal Area ➔ True Map Type ➔ MinePack High Quality ➔ True © 2022 Minelc Builds. All rights reserved.
  7. Graphit Server Spawn (120x120)

    Graphit Server Spawn (120x120) 1.0.0

    The Map Contains: • Detailed Spawn Building • Place for Rules • Place for Crates • Place for NPCs Dimensions: • Blockcount: 97.956 Blocks • Length (X): 123 Blocks • Width (Z): 73 Blocks • Height (Y): 123 Blocks IMPORTANT! If you buy this Resource, you get a Schematic File. You can paste...
  8. Hiacave Shop Area

    Hiacave Shop Area 1.0.0

    The Map Contains: • Designed spawn point • Place for 3 Crates • Place for 5 NPC • Marketplace Stands (7) • Cave themed surrounding Dimensions: • Blockcount: 4.326.500 Blocks • Length (X): 365 Blocks • Width (Z): 390 Blocks • Height (Y): 184 Blocks IMPORTANT! If you buy this Resource, you get...


    Mining area : 35x35x35 /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 for the leaves. A cute prison mine detailed for winter with fir trees, houses and an organic of deer.
  10. Mellia - Server Spawn

    Mellia - Server Spawn v1

    Keep in mind that this is a large-scale build! We strongly advise you to use FastAsyncWorldEdit to paste on the server! DETAILS This map has a very high level of detail for a very immersive MMORPG experience. FEATURES Village square with a remarkable tree; Underground with caves, mine and...
  11. 5 Rankup/Prison Small Mines

    5 Rankup/Prison Small Mines 1

    A pack with five rankup/prison mines: * The size of each mine is 61x61, with a 21x21 "ore space"; * The themes are - ice, nether, ocean, vanilla and desert; * 1.8 blocks; * All of them have a shop space, for drop selling; * No re-sell rights; * You can use this build as many times you want.
  12. Tau Ceti d | Prison Map

    Tau Ceti d | Prison Map 1.11.2

    This canyon-filled alien world map includes a futuristic tower overlooking a complete prison mine installation. The map contains 9 prison mines. By default, there are 3 ore, 3 wood, and 3 sand mines, however each can be changed to another type of mine if needed, and there is plenty of room for...
  13. Rhapsody-class Spaceship | Full Prison Server Map

    Rhapsody-class Spaceship | Full Prison Server Map 1

    This futuristic escort carrier comes complete with a full interior centered around prison game modes, and is essentially an entire ready-to-play prison server contained in a ship. Inside, you'll find tons of futuristic rooms containing facilities common across most prison servers such as mines...
  14. [Bedwars] Mine (8x1 | 8x2)

    [Bedwars] Mine (8x1 | 8x2) 1.1

    Eine kleine, bescheidene Bedwars-Map mit 8 Spielerinseln und einer Goldinsel. Die Map besteht aus kleinen Minen und einem mini Wald in der Mitte, mit viel Platz zum umkämpfen des wertvollen Goldes. Größe: 200x200 A small, modest Bedwars-Map with 8 player islands...
  15. Prison mine - 4-pack

    Prison mine - 4-pack 2017-01-04

    This is a well made map pack including four good looking prison mines. There's been made sure that you can't jump out of the maps with barrierblocks. The mines are also available separately. Enjoy!
  16. Prison mine - extinction

    Prison mine - extinction 2017-01-03

    This is one of the four mines I'm selling. It's a nice looking mine you can use for prison. Enjoy!
  17. Prison mine - Underwater

    Prison mine - Underwater 2017-01-03

    This is one of the four mines I'm selling. It's a nice looking mine you can use for prison. Enjoy!
  18. Prison mine - Strangewood

    Prison mine - Strangewood 2017-01-03

    This is one of the four mines I'm selling. It's a nice looking mine that you can use for your prison server. enjoy!
  19. Prison mine - Countryside

    Prison mine - Countryside 2017-01-03

    This is one of the four mines I'm selling. It's a good looking map you can use for your prison server. Enjoy!