- Minecraft Version
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- 1.7
English Translation
You are interested in the compact ClanDriver? Then let me introduce it to you!
- You need either a MongoDB or MySQL database
- at least Spigot 1.8.8 and Bungeecord 1.17 must be installed
Now finally to the functions!
The ClanDriver offers an abnormally compact system to create clans and configure them completely. You can change the color of the clan, add a description and assign ranks as leader.
• The PermissionDriver is supported when installed
• ClanDriver provides full transparency (every action is logged)
Addons (completely configurable)
NameTag addon (compatible with PermissionDriver)
Dynamic Language System
FriendDriver supports a dynamic language system.
This means that you can create as many languages as you want with matching messages and the system takes over the corresponding language when you change the current language in language.json.
The system was tested on Linux and Debian 8!
According to § 69a UrhG DEU is the resale of these products in any form completely prohibited! The implementation of these products in a product to be sold in the future also counts and does not correspond to the legal legitimacy.
You are interested in the compact ClanDriver? Then let me introduce it to you!
- You need either a MongoDB or MySQL database
- at least Spigot 1.8.8 and Bungeecord 1.17 must be installed
Now finally to the functions!
The ClanDriver offers an abnormally compact system to create clans and configure them completely. You can change the color of the clan, add a description and assign ranks as leader.
• The PermissionDriver is supported when installed
• ClanDriver provides full transparency (every action is logged)
Addons (completely configurable)
NameTag addon (compatible with PermissionDriver)
Dynamic Language System
FriendDriver supports a dynamic language system.
This means that you can create as many languages as you want with matching messages and the system takes over the corresponding language when you change the current language in language.json.
The system was tested on Linux and Debian 8!
According to § 69a UrhG DEU is the resale of these products in any form completely prohibited! The implementation of these products in a product to be sold in the future also counts and does not correspond to the legal legitimacy.
German Translation
Du interessierst dich für den kompakten ClanDriver? Dann lass ihn mich dir vorstellen!
- Du benötigst entweder eine MongoDB- oder MySQL-Datenbank
- mindestens die Spigot 1.8.8 und Bungeecord 1.17 müssen installiert sein
Nun endlich zu den Funktionen!
Der ClanDriver bietet ein unnormal kompaktes System, um Clans zu erstellen und vollkommen zu konfigurieren. Man kann die Farbe des Clans ändern, eine Beschreibung hinzufügen sowie Ränge als Leader verteilen
• Der PermissionDriver wird unterstützt, wenn er installiert ist
• Der ClanDriver legt eine vollkommende Transparenz da (jede Aktion wird geloggt)
Addons (komplett konfigurierbar)
NameTag-Addon (kompatibel mit PermissionDriver)
Dynamic Language System
Der FriendDriver unterstützt ein dynamisches Language System.
Das heißt, dass du beliebig viele Sprachen erstellen kannst mit passenden Nachrichten und das System übernimmt die dementsprechende Sprache, wenn du die aktuelle Sprache änderst in language.json
Das System wurde auf Linux, Debian 8 getestet!
Nach § 69a UrhG DEU ist der Weiterverkauf dieser Produkte in jeglicher Form vollkommen Untersagt! Die Implementierung dieser Produkte in ein zukünftig zu verkaufendes Produkt zählt ebenfalls dazu und entspricht nicht der gesetzlichen Legitimität.
Clan Screenshots

Configuration Screenshots

- Tags bukkit bukkit/spigot bungeecord colorful easy2use konfig
- Featured