Recent content by MrAniman2

  1. MrAniman2

    Medieval City - New updated files

    Added new .schematic and .schem files. Build should now be compatible with all Java MC versions starting from 1.8 - 1.17+
  2. MrAniman2

    Fantasy Sky Lobby / Spawn - Updated files

    Added new .schematic and .schem files. Build should now be compatible with all Java MC versions starting from 1.8 - 1.17+ Edited the .txt file.
  3. Skyblock spawn + 12 starter islands

    Skyblock spawn + 12 starter islands 1.0

    This pack includes beautiful skyblock spawn made in fantasy medieval style with a small pvp arena that’s built near the main spawn island and a set of 12 skyblock starter islands (separate schematics) for you to choose from. This whole build matches the style of my previous build – PvP / KitPvP...
  4. PvP / KitPvP map

    PvP / KitPvP map 1.0

    Beautiful pvp / kit pvp map with reasonably flat surface for pleasant Minecraft pvp experience. This map features unique and very interesting environment for players. While building this I kept in mind many features you liked so much about my Angeron Kit PvP project, brownish theme, terrain...
  5. Fantasy spawn/lobby

    Fantasy spawn/lobby 1.0

    Spawn is meant to be used for Factions, Survival, Creative servers or as hub/lobby area. It's beautiful, practical and well made build. Spawn edges are built in a way so you don't need to worry much about terraforming around spawn area. Simply paste build using [//paste -a] and it's done :)...
  6. Steampunk Sky Lobby

    Steampunk Sky Lobby 1.0

    Very unique spawn/lobby area as it features Fantasy/Steampunk theme rarely seen on servers. This build is meant to be used mainly as lobby or waiting lobby area. Features: - Designed spawn point; - Shop/Info area (two connected rooms); - Couple of smaller rooms in few houses; - Parkour...
  7. Fantasy Factions spawn and Warzone

    Fantasy Factions spawn and Warzone 1.1

    PLEASE NOTE! Sketchfab shows only the spawn area, warzone is not displayed as 3d model on SketcFab due to it's size but it is included in this product. Also keep in mind this is a large scale build! It's highly advised to use only [//paste -a] when pasting on the server...
  8. Sky Lobby

    Sky Lobby 1.0

    This build is meant to be used as Lobby/waiting lobby area.. It's well built lobby and it also features underground area for players to explore, parkour leading to nearby island and few small rooms across the map. Features: - Designed spawn platform; - Parkour; - Couple of small rooms around...
  9. Medieval Village

    Medieval Village 1.0

    Beautiful medieval/fantasy style village. Mini version of Arvalone city build which can be found here: Dimensions: 140 x 140 Build requires minimal to none terraforming just use //paste -a and it shouldn't require any more terraforming...
  10. Medieval City

    Medieval City 1.0.1

    Beautiful medieval/fantasy style city which provides a lot of explorable area for your players. This map can be used for RPG, Creative, Survival and maybe even Faction servers as well as for some mini games like hide n seek, hunger games etc. Built using mainly wood and gray materials (stone)...
  11. PvP / kitPvP map

    PvP / kitPvP map 1.0

    It's well made pvp area with mostly flat surface (some places covered with barrier blocks, visible in extra pictures) for pleasant pvp experience. This map features unique and very interesting environment for players. There are two possible spawn areas. - One smaller with little shop/info area...
  12. Beautiful Survival/Creative Spawn

    Beautiful Survival/Creative Spawn 1.0

    Spawn is meant to be used for Factions, Survival or Creative servers. This spawn is specifically built for less experienced server owners as it's features square shape (to ease setting up spawn region) and spawn edges are built in a way so you don't need to worry much about terraforming around...
  13. Beautiful HCF spawn

    Beautiful HCF spawn 1.0

    This spawn area is meant to be used on HCF, Faction and Survival servers. Build features fantasy theme including some large scale plant organics and smaller scale well made houses. Things included: - Designed spawn platform; - Small open shop area (suitable for HCF sign shops) (for approx 20...
  14. Fantasy Island

    Fantasy Island 1.0

    This build can be used on SG, PVP, RPG, Survival, Creative and possibly even on faction servers. This build features fantasy and medieval themed structures. It's perfect spawn if you want to provide beautiful/explorable spawn area for your players and well made map with various caves and houses...
  15. Skywars map - Christmas

    Skywars map - Christmas 1.0

    Built for single player skywars. There are 8 spawn islands. Map provides fairly large area to explore. Some ores are already placed and multiple presents also contains ores. This map will create Christmas feeling for your players even if it's not Christmas :) Note: This is fairly large map and...